OKMH – It’s baaaack!

One Kitchen Many Hearts – it’s a box exchange program we started last year among a small group of blogging friends. Every other month, we send a box of local, handmade and/or favorite goodies to another blogger on a rotating basis. By the end of the year, each of us has received a box of love from everyone on the list. Last year was so much fun we hated to see it end, so it won’t! With absolutely no arm twisting, we’ve decided to continue for another year.

OKMH Collage 2013

My first OKMH box of 2013 came from Allison of Decadent Philistines Save the World. Here’s what she sent from her neck o’ the woods (AZ):

OKMH - Feb13 - the loot

Yeehaw! That’s a big pile of fun! Let’s take a closer look. First up is the card. I almost ruined a panty liner laughing at this cutie patotootie.

OKMH - Feb13 - Cutest Card

Allison knows me well. If there’s two things I love in life, it’s squirrels and corn. I joke with The Complete Package that some day we’ll retire to a squirrel ranch where we’ll sit on the porch each night, sipping whiskey and watching the ‘herd’ come in over the hills for the evening. Because I’m weird like that.

Speaking of hooch, check out this Scottish style ale called Kilt Lifter.

OKMH - Feb13 - Kiltlifter

She had me at kilt. After a few of these, you can bet I’ll want to know what’s under the kilt. I’m hanging on to it for a little while so I can pair it with a big fat toasty rueben or pastrami sandwich. Or maybe a batch of Beer Bread.

I jumped for joy when I pulled this next bottle from the box:

OKMH - Feb13 - Prickly Pear Syrup

It’s syrup made from the fruit of the prickly pear cactus. It’s sweet & tart and fabulous. Yes it would be great on pancakes or drizzled over ice cream, but my mind went straight to margaritas. Have you ever had a cocktail you can’t stop thinking about? Well, one of mine was a big frozen margarita swirled with this lovely elixir. It was probably 8 years ago at a business dinner in downtown Houston, and I still think of it fondly. For me, this stuff is liquid gold.

Remember Sweets Week? I made my retro Raspberry Divinity. Allison made Lemon Marshmallows. I’m thinking we should schedule all future theme week endeavors so that they publish just before our OKMH boxes are shipped, because I got a bag of these beauties:

OKMH - Feb13 - Lemon Marshmallows

Big soft fluffy lemon marshmallows. It goes without saying these are NOT the dry spongy flavorless version you find at grocery stores. These are the perfect texture with a burst of lemon zest that makes your tongue tingle, and they are lovely. One died instantly; the rest are being rationed for maximum pleasure.

Our theme this month was “Winter Essentials” and Allison outdid herself by crafting a handmade scarf in my favorite colors – blue & green.

OKMH - Feb13 - Handmade Scarf

It’s so delicate and light as a feather. I cannot imagine the number of hours spent creating it. What a treasure! We don’t really experience winter down here, but this lightweight beauty is perfect for those occasional chilly evenings. Thank you hardly seems adequate when someone puts this much time & love into a project, but THANK YOU, ALLISON!

Did you notice that snowflake in the background? All of the gift tags were made from hand-crafted paper snowflakes – the closest thing to snow we ever get on the southern coast. Not that I’m complaining (okay, I’m complaining).

OKMH - Feb13 - snowflake tags

I’ve saved the best surprise for last. This one really knocked my socks off because it was so unexpected. Remember the felt mouse tutorial I posted last month? Well, look who just got an A on her homework:

OKMH - Feb13 - Little Cutie

Oh my goodness! Isn’t she adorable? Here’s what Allison had to say about her.

“Her name is Mousidora, from the Greek that means “from the Muses.” She’s so named because I felt inspired to make her. Obviously she is a coffee drinker, and while she’ll take a splash of cream, she prefers it strong and black. That being said, she won’t say no to a wee nip of cheddar schnapps, if you know what I mean. Keeps the chill off. Her scarf is functional, but of course it’s a good look for her as well. Mousidora takes great pains to look good, even when it’s cold outside. She knows that the cranberry sets off the sparkle in her eyes. Mousidora’s hobbies include antiquing, lunching with her lady-mice friends, and betting on the ponies. She’s as sharp as a tack and likes a good nosh.”

Words cannot describe how fun it was to find this little sweetie. She and her tiny ‘cup-a-joe’ are forever perched on my kitchen coffee station so we can enjoy our morning brew together (like the bag of Sumatran coffee beans Allison included – yum). We’ll just be sipping our coffee under the Eiffel Tower, sharing our plans for the day and expressing our gratitude for great friends like Allison.

OKMH - Feb13 - Mousidora's Perch

I swear, we could do this for 100 years and I would never tire of these boxes.

If you’d like to see what I sent to our newest member of the OKMH tribe, visit Beka at Kvetchin’ Kitchen. Since it was her first ever OKMH Box, I may have gone a smidge overboard. I wanted her first adventure with our group to be one she would never forget. From there, you can also visit the other ladies and peek inside their boxes by clicking on any of these links:

Kirsten @ Comfortably Domestic
Megan @ Country Cleaver
Kat @ Tenaciously Yours
Mads @ La Petite Pancake
Allison @ Decadent Philistines


Filed under Blogger Collaborations, Things I Love

14 responses to “OKMH – It’s baaaack!

  1. Love that mouse and the squirrel card oh so cute:) Have a Great One!

    • Nothing beats seeing something someone else made from your blog. Mousidora is fabulous, and a perfect morning coffee companion. (I loved the squirrel card, too. Who wouldn’t smile when they see that?)

  2. NanaBread, you always make me laugh! My husband has a thing for squirrels, too. Ya’ll are just a little…odd…;)

  3. I was pretty stupid excited to send this package and so thrilled that you liked it all. I have to be honest and say that the scarf was super easy to make, and I had a hard time parting with it. The Husband said it looked like a sea cucumber. Whatever. HRH has a matching one except in pink/purple, so you two are twinsies. I was, however, terrified to send the mouse. My stitches are anything but even and pretty, but she was so much fun to make, and HRH has requested one, so I’m working on that for her now.
    And as far as the marshmallows, I’m just flat amazed at your ability to ration.

    • You would never know that scarf was easy to make by looking at it. Looks pretty fancy/complicated to me. Makes me wish I could knit/crochet, but I’ve just never picked it up. I really should try harder. I love that HRH and I are secret scarf twinsies now. You’ll have to pack hers when she comes to visit me, since she has already proclaimed that it WILL happen. There will be much crafting, marshmallows & girlie fun when that day arrives.

  4. thegrommom

    What a FUN package…I might have drooled *just a little at the sight of that marshmallow. Oh my, in lemon!? And that mouse is So stinking cute. If I had a crafty bone in my body I’d be trying one.
    But no.
    Funny, I was just thinking you might be running dry of mac nuts–might have to get a little side exchange together again. :)

  5. This is so cool! What a great way to build friendships through the blog world — and make it less ‘virtual’ and more REAL.

    • Thanks, Tiffany! Our OKMH boxes have been the perfect way to share some of our favorite things. And it’s so much fun to get one of these boxes in the mail. Our goal is to someday be able to get all of us in a big room or cabin for a weekend so we can really do it right.

  6. I saw this (http://accidentalstepmom.com/2013/03/01/pi-day-pie-challenge-poopourri-giveaway/) and thought of you! I may make your Black Forest Cherry Pie as a submission if I can get my act together this weekend.

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